As the veil between the living world and spirit world thins, our co-founders reflect on how their ancestry and lineage led them to Wanderwomxn.
Here’s a reflection from Christine Watts about her lineage and how it has inspired her travels.
Christine Watts, our Chief Operating Officer, with her daughter Maya
Travel is in my blood. While my ancestry is Southern Black American, I come from a long line of explorers. As a young girl I remember visiting my great grandmother, a travel agent who proudly displayed tokens from adventures with meticulously detailed photo albums and newspaper clippings archiving her achievements and explorations.
My grandmother and mother followed in her footsteps. My grandmother traveled often, especially to her favorite locations in the Caribbean. My mother was a travel agent so she took me on my first international trip as a high school graduation present. Growing up with globetrotting women, I developed a passion for foreign languages. I studied abroad in college and traveled to Europe and various locations during my college years.
I have now passed on this love to my teenage daughter. We’ve traveled to Spain and the Caribbean together and I encourage her to be a global citizen.
I am so excited to be a part of Wanderwomxn. I hope that this space will be a gathering place for womxn all over the world to connect and find freedom like I have through global experiences.